Tuesday, July 3, 2018

I am Learning to Use Punctuation Properly.

Last week we celebrated Matariki with a pyjama and breakfast morning at school!
It was lots of fun and gave us good ideas to write about. Our focus in writing has been on using different types of punctuation correctly.

I need to:
- Use at least two different types of punctuation.
- Use the punctuation in a way that makes my writing more interesting.
- Put the punctuation in the right places.

This morning we had Matariki breakfast at school! We wore pjs and watched a movie. It was fun!

My Reflection
I think that I used exclamation marks well.
It is sometimes tricky to use punctuation marks because it is hard to know where to put them.
Next time I could try to use different types of punctuation, like question marks.

I am Learning to Say Before and After Numbers to 20.

I am in Toru group for maths. We have been learning to say before and after numbers in the range from 1 to 20.

I need to:
- be able to count forwards and backwards from 20.
- know what number comes before a number within the range 1 - 20.
- know what number comes after a number within the range 1 - 20.

My Reflection
I think that I did good. I found it easy.
I think it is easier to say the after numbers because it is like counting.
I think I could say before and after numbers for numbers that are bigger than 20.